Friday, April 30, 2010

Home Remedy For Low Blood Pressure (BP)

In a healthy young adult, blood pressure (BP) should be 120/80 for healthy heart and active body. But, in today's hectic and stressful life style maintaining normal BP is like a challenge for most of the human beings. Blood pressure may go up or down, which is not good for a human being.

This article will give relief to those who are fed up by taking costly tablets for low blood pressure daily. The solutions given in this article for the cure of low blood pressure are based on real-life experience. In this article, I discuss causes, symptoms, and treatments of low BP.


Any human being from young adult of age 18-20 to mature adult of age 21-40 can be a victim of low BP due to following well known reasons:

Low Blood Pressure Can Be Serious

Dehydration i.e. excessive loss of water from body

Excessive exercises

Hectic work schedule leading in body exertion


Lack of salt in body


Blood Loss


Following are the well known symptoms of low BP:






You feel like to vomit but do not vomit

Easy-to-Use Blood Pressure Monitors

Precautions to keep you away from low blood pressure:

Drink lots of water

Increase water intake in case of heavy exertion

Drink juice after exercise

Consume food on time and make sure food in not contaminated

Do not take stress

Home remedies for low blood pressure:

Based on my real life experience following home-remedies can help you permanently cure the problem of low BP. If you are suffering from the problem of low blood pressure from a long time then you must try the following remedies. Because, these remedies comprise natural products like almonds, raisins, etc. there will be no side effect on your health.

Factors That Influence Your High Blood Pressure

Following are some of the home-remedies to permanently cure low blood pressure:

Soak 5 almonds in water in a bowl for almost 12 hours. After that peel off the almonds and chew them. Do not drink milk or any other thing with them; just chew raw almonds. The best way to consume almonds is soak them every night and eat them next morning. Within 5 days.

 you will notice the remarkable improvement in your health. You have to continue this for minimum 45 days. As almonds are good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, you can continue consuming them even after 45 days; there will be no side effect. But, do not consume more than 5 almonds a day.

Soak near about 30 raisins in a bowl in night and consume them empty stomach next morning i.e. do not eat anything before consuming raisins. You have to do the same for at least 45 days.Consume more salt in your food for few days. When you start feeling better stop consuming extra salt otherwise blood press can rise.
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