Monday, October 7, 2013

A Quick Guide To Blood Pressure

By Greg Tilley

When it comes to determining a normal blood pressure, there is generally no right or wrong answer. You may not believe it but even the most experienced and knowledgeable doctors do not have an exact, common figure as to what would be the ideal blood pressure for a healthy adult.

Speaking in general terms, though, doctors and other experts would consider 110/70 to 125/80 as a happy medium of sorts, a reasonable blood pressure range for the average adult person, although somebody who has naturally low blood pressure may hover around 100/60.

As for adults with a blood pressure of 140/90, this would be acceptable as the individual grows older, but for people in their 20s to 30s, this is often considered to be high.

Blood is not, as usually thought, like a flowing river as it circulates throughout the body - it circulates by means of spurts. Therefore the pressure peaks in the blood vessels just after a heart beat and then ebbs until the next one. This would be considered normal.

The two blood pressure figures would then correspond to the pressures at the peak and ebb points respectively. The stronger the arteries are, the more they resist the force of the blood and the lower the blood pressure.

As people mature, their arteries become less flexible and elastic, thus the higher blood pressure which would be considered acceptable. However the lower figure should still be under 90 until that person at least reaches their sixties.

Many studies looking at blood pressure in both black and white people have found there is a higher prevalence of hypertension (High blood pressure) in black people than there is in white. This has led to further research in determining whether this is racially determined or just based on socioeconomic and dietary factors.

It is common for individuals who suffer from high blood pressure to be befuddled as to why they suffer from such a condition. Their blood pressure may be high on a regular basis even if they do all the right things to stay healthy, including eating a balanced diet and staying away from vices. These people have essential, or Primary high blood pressure. But it is far more common for people to suffer from Secondary High Blood Pressure, which is an increased blood pressure that has an underlying health reason.

Nearly one in four people in the Western world have high blood pressure. Leaving this condition untreated can lead to catastrophic results, as many people have found out too late - such complications include heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. Yet there are thousands of people unaware they have high blood pressure who are walking around with a lethal time bomb ticking away inside them.

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